Saturday, March 04, 2006
-*- My 2nd Instalment of Presents!!!
My second instalment of presents!!!!!!
Ain't it pretty?? Hehe.. Like it quite a bit.. Though it's a tad bigger than my "miserably small" wallets, I like it a lot!!! By the way, Ms Lay, I lurve my miserably small wallets! Hmph! In fact, the wallet looks very big to me.. Hahah I guess I'm very used to small wallets.. Been a while since I had big wallets.. Dunno why also... I guess because Vin bought me the old White Guess one and I kinda gotten used to tiny wallets..

Oh and before that was the M)Phosis one..

Oh together with the Guess one, I have recently started to use this Pink cardholder thingie which is quite magical in keeping my notes tucked in safe.. Er, lazy to explain, just know that it's a magical cardholder.. Heh..

Anyway, before that was my FX one, which I used for a little while only, I think because it was too bulky (like really bulky).. AND before that was a Renoma long wallet.. Okay, I think that was the last big wallet that I had.. Wow.. Been a long time.. I think that was in secondary school when long wallets were happening!! Hehe.. Wow I think it will be quite some time before I get used to the wallet.. Hahah it doesn't even fit into a lot of my bags (but definitely fits into the NEW BAG that they gave me!! Hehe.)!!! Shall alternate wallets sometime.. Hehe..
All in all, I love the new Wallet!! Thanks guys!!! I wurve you all!!! ;p
Anyway, I got another pressie this week too!! It's from D the Bum.. Oopz, I should be nicer hor? Anyway, took a picture..

It's chocolate!!!!! Yumms.. So SWEEET.. Hehe.. So I thought I should be nice as well, and thank him on my blog.. Thanks Darryl! Heh.. Mi wurve ya too!!
I know my birthday has passed for a while.. But I think that still getting pressies for it is really fun! Yay!! ;p
My 2nd Instalment of Presents!!! -
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