Monday, February 27, 2006
-*- New TV, New Image!
It's been a week since I've wanted to blog about this.. I'm sorry but this is purely a picture post... With some comments here and there.. Oh well, a picture can say a thousand words, so why would I wanna say so much hor? (Btw Jojo is an idiot!)I HAVE A NEW TELEVISION!!!

Check out the BOX! Hahaha fine.. There's a picture of the TV..
Several actually...

*Squeals in Excitement*

Isn't the TV SO GROOOOOOVY! Fine, I know, it's just a TV! But I lurve lurve lurve it!! And it's very clear and the colours are very vibrant!!! :P LURVE IT!
Anyway, about the new image, well... Here goes....

Hahahahahahahhahah it's MY new image!!! I CUT MY HAIR!! AND I HAVE BANGS NOW!!! BANGS BANGS BANGS!!! Cute hor Cute hor!!
It's quite a major change la.. I've had long fringe since forever la! Ermmmm the last time I had bangs was... Er.. Long time ago... Here's a pict...

Yup.. When I was four.. Haha.. Or at least from what I can remember la..
Anyway, about the cutting the bangs thing.. I didn't give it much thought.. I guess I was kinda sick of my long fringe irritating the crap out of me by keep coming down and blocking my view... So bored of that image as well.. So Snip! Snip! Snip! I didn't even realise what I was doing until I finally sat down in that chair and told the hairdresser I wanted bangs.. And I panicked! So started to take the before pictures... So I can reminisce...

Well, that was the last time I saw my long fringed long pretty hair.. Ermmm the last picture of my long fringed long pretty hair...
And the next pictures I took.....

Yups.. There's my new image, for all who hasn't seen me yet.. So be prepared with a compliment the next time you see me okay? Don't break my heart okie?? :P

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