Saturday, April 10, 2004
-*- me? not me.. not me? me..
took another quiz.. ( WHAT COLOR IS YOUR AURA? ) i got 55 points.. so the colour of my aura is blue.. and this is wat the results say......36-55 points: BLUE
You seek comfort and security. (hmm dont all girls?)
Having a place where you can relax and gather your thoughts is important to you. (yeah it's nice to think about my own stuff alone.. :])
You are a thinker. (BUT OF COS!!!)
You don't rush into things. (really? *buZz* WRONG! or correct? dunno... half half i guess... hmm i like to plan stuff.. i like the sense of accomplishment when whatever i plan goes as i plan.. but i like spontaneity too!! it gives me a "im me, and im free to do what i want" feeling.. heh.. so i dont have to answer to anyone la.. geddit?)
You don't like to take risks. (oh my! this is friggin truE!!! but i think this is becos im a "thinker", as in i think too much.. wahahahha!! so naturally, if i think more, ill worry more right? so risk assessment is sometimes part of my decision making.. hmm but then again.. spontaneity often involve risks..... but.. hmm.. argh! aiya half half again la! hahah im a confused person! ;p)
You love deeply when you love. (wat say u dearie? heh i'd say it's quite true.. keke.. :])
You want a relationship that lasts forever. (hmm ok this i have to say something.. i dont really believe in forever.. as in it's nice to know that a relationship is stable and steady and everything.. but forever? a bit pushing it la.. u do not know what may go wrong in future.. so i guess this comment deserves a *LOUD buZZZZZZZZ*!!! WRONG! hehz..)
ok.. this is EXACTLY what i mean (i got this quote to prove my point!):
Loving someone is like caring for a garden,
love it too much or too little and it dies,
but love it just right and it will live forever.
--->ok, are u telling me that this doesnt sound ridiculous (definitely corny!)? forever means there will be no end lor.. argh. i dunno how to say... if u geddit, u geddit.... if u dun, TOO BAD! hehe.. ;p
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