Wednesday, April 07, 2004

-*- power of microsoft.  
dammit. i have succumbed to yet another programme under the power of microsoft! argh! yes.. i have officially joined msn. *ashamed of myself*
blegh. i dun like it. haha.
but cos alot of people actually asked me to dl and join and all, i joined.. so it's not microsoft msn that i gave in to. it's my dear dear friends.. hehe.. so people who wanna add me, i even created a new email addy... it's ... wanted my fave dolphene... but it's such a hot name that i cant get it unless i add some funny numbers to it.. so i dowan.. haha how can i spoil such a lovely name? hehe.. so dolpheneze.. so do add me in ur msn horkay? ;)
ooh and my hotmail addy (another microsoft thingie.. blegh)? u people can send emails to me there also.. hahah but i hate checking emails.. so yea... ehm yea i guess that's all... do join me in the empire of microsoft on msn.. ;p

power of microsoft. - 

jazzi craved @ 8:39 PM


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